Targeted IT Security Solutions
Targeted Security Solutions offer a cost-effective way to put Kaspersky technologies precisely where you need them.

Security for Mail Server For Exchange, Linux & Lotus Domino
- Scan incoming, outgoing & stored mail
- Intelligent spam filtering reduces traffic
- Prevent the loss of confidential data

Kaspersky Security for Office 365 Next-generation protection for Office 365 email
- Stop email threats before they become a problem
- Complete control over suspicious email
- Easy management, hosted in the cloud

Security for Internet Gateway Secure Internet access for your employees
- Scans HTTP(s), FTP, SMTP & POP3
- Governs the use of the Internet by employees
- Powerful manageability & reporting

Hybrid Cloud Security Protect your physical, virtual and cloud workloads
- Multi-layered threat protection for workloads and virtual desktops
- Unified management and orchestration across the entire hybrid infrastructure
- Scenario-specific protection for better resource efficiency

Vulnerability & Patch Management Enhance security and reduce complexity
- Minimize IT security risks
- Automate vulnerability assessment
- Distribute patches, updates & applications

Security for Storage Security for Network Attached Storages
- Unified, fault-tolerant architecture
- Minimal impact on NAS performance
- Highly scalable storage security

DDoS Protection Complete cloud-based defense against DDoS attacks
- Global network of data traffic ‘cleaning centers’
- Seamless integration with no additional hardware
- Protection from the most complex and high-volume attacks
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